Polygamy Pad

Christian, non-Mormon polygyny (the more precise term to describe plural, heterosexual marriages), better known as polygamy. Polygyny should be embraced by all who believe Scripture to be Divinely inspired. The practice of Patriarchal Polygyny, where a husband is called to lay his life down for his bride, protects women from lazy and abusive husbands. Polygamy that enslaves women, snares minors, and defrauds welfare is illegitimate. True love, not force or fraud must be the guiding rule.

Location: Ohio, United States

Evangelical, libertarian, happily-married, father.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

'I Would Never...Go Back to Being a Monogamous Wife'

An excerpt from 'Voices in Harmony: Contemporary Women Celebrate Plural Marriage,' written and compiled by Mary Batchelor, Marianne Watson, and Anne Wilde, was published on the multi-religious site, BeliefNet. It demonstrated that women in polygamous relationships in the United States would not give up what they had. It is all-too-easy to judge that which we don't understand. But it would be far better to take the word of those who know from experience.

I love how this piece begins, "I would never ever, worlds without end, even if I could control all events, willingly go back to being a monogamous wife... the blessings I enjoy... are enough to cause me to become a she-bear when someone threatens them."

Is polygamy, or more precistly "polygny," really that great? Read for yourself.

NOTE: It will need to be constantly repeated on this page that any marriage must be consensual, with other adults, and that welfare fraud is a crime. Tom Green and Muslim arguments just won't fly here. I'm not defending that. -- M.M.